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© Murphy, Cuthrell
& Assoc, 1997.
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The Power to Move Forward

The pressures are unending, the challenges daunting.

Mergers, acquisitions, restructurings, relentless competition, and the constant imperative to reduce costs have created a brave new world of business. One where only the strong, the cunning, the adaptable will survive.

How will your company and its people deal with these staggering changes?

How can you help the people you must let go - and those they leave behind - get on with their work and their lives?

You give them back their self-esteem.

You give them a place where they can feel at home.

You give them the knowledge that they're not alone, that there are more answers and opportunities than they ever dreamed possible.

You give them the tools to find new jobs, new careers. Even reinvent themselves if necessary.

And you give it all with compassion, intelligence and respect.

Which, not coincidentally, is what outplacement services from Murphy, Cuthrell & Associates are all about.

We've worked with leading companies and their employees to turn adversity into opportunity. Hopes in to realities. And potentially unhappy endings into bright new beginnings.

Giving people the power to shape their own destinies. To become winners at life and work once again.

Giving them the power to move forward.